Monday, September 19, 2005

Part 1: BY 30, YOU SHOULD HAVE...

(See the post before this one for the complete list)

#2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.

Although most of my furniture was never previously owned by anyone else, I am most proud of finally being able to replace the full-size mattress set that had been with me since before college, then on to my college apartment, then to my apartment after college and finally to my current place. Turning 30 requires a pillow top, king-sized mattress set...I have arrived!

#3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.

I have the employer outfit covered since I do have a few suits that I can still fit even though I have gained about 30 pounds since turning 30. As far as the man of my dreams...ha matter how large or elaborate a woman's wardrobe may be, an event such as this will always require a trip to the mall.

#4. A purse, a suitcase and an umbrella you're not ashamed to be seen carrying.

As surprising as it may be, I have never owned a real nor fake designer Coach, Fendi, Louie, nada. I just can't bring myself to spend that type of money on a purse. The best that I can do is a Nine West from Hechts which only cost about $ If you have seen my purses, you know that I get my money's worth too....I carry them until the straps fall of or the seams burst, whichever happens first.

Umbrellas, I have that covered. I have many small and large black umbrellas that are in very good condition. I have graduated from carrying the ones that got caught in the wind and are left with the silver spokes sticking out. And no, I do not carry the Sorority umbrella on a regular basis, only at Sorority functions...the novelty has definitely worn off….right ‘Tickle Me’?

I don't own any designer luggage, but I recently purchased a nice set that will be the envy of the 'gang'....LOL

#9. A résume that is not even the slightest bit padded.

It's a good feeling to be able to drop all of that junk and fluff off of your resume because you actually have real-live, substantial work experience...YES! I'm even to the point of having to cut back on listing some of the unpadded stuff too. I wonder what having too many jobs can signal….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article... I needed this two years ago. I have some things covered, but I need to work on others. Can you believe that I am 31 and do not own ONE decent UMBRELLA. LMAO

3:00 PM  

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