Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Don't drink the water!

My Mood: Happy (It's almost 5:30!)
What I'm Listening To: Michael Baisden not drink from public water fountains! I was walking to lunch today and took a shortcut through the Law Enforcement Memorial. My eyes fell upon a homeless man who was dressed in one of those shiny weight loss/make you sweat/plastic tops. His hair was very nappy and matted to his head. I watched as he pulled out a comb and started to scratch is scalp, really the point that his head was probably going to bleed. All of this is being done while he is standing over the outdoor drinking fountain. He then proceeded to dip water in his hands and wash his hair!! He had a jug of something that may have been shampoo, so he was using the drinking fountain to get a lather and then rinse.........Only in DC.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I don't fall in the "30 Something" category, I will respond anyway per your previous days'
Wow, I guess he just could not take filthy hair/scalp any longer....LOL.......All jokes aside, did he have another alternative? Probably not. Pehaps someone could petition hotels to offer showers to homeless persons for a time period duirng the day to allow them an opportunity to shower/bathe at least while waiting for guest to check in.
With all the bottled water available these days, those afraid of contracting a disease probably don't use public fountains anyway.
Ahhhhhh, poor fella.

"Mother T"

3:59 PM  

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