Get Them Out of There!
My Mood: Disappointed
I am listening to: The news...CBC News Conference on Katrina
I have tried hard to reserve my comments concerning Katrina, but I can't hold it anymore. I have become obsessed with watching the news...just like I did on 9/11...maybe that is part of my problem. When I look at those photos, I can not believe that this is a city in looks like a third-world country.
I am just so tired of hearing about and seeing the same photos and reports about the looters! Let those people take as much food and supplies that they can carry! Why should it just sit there and rot. Those stores will not be opening anytime soon, if ever again. For those taking the TVs and sneakers...who cares! The merchandise is already ruined and will just be written off on insurance anyway. I cannot believe the Mayor ordered a large number of officers to leave the search and rescue efforts so that they could stop the looters....WTF?
Some of these news commentators who are covering this seem so patronizing and cynical. All that they keep showing over and over again is all the unlawfulness. It has gotten so bad because there does not seem to be anyone in charge. These people are desperate and not receiving any information or help in an organized else do you expect them to act?!
What if you had no food, water, electricity, cell phone and no outside communication with the world? All that you can see is what is around you. You do not have the slightest idea what is going on and how to get out of there...and no one is telling you. All that you see is cops and National Guardsman rolling up with rifles drawn...
These people have no idea that we are watching and that we care and are trying to do something.
The government keeps saying...we are getting ready to do this and that....but we can’t get down there....well, how in the world are all these news people getting down there to broadcast???
Jesse Jackson made a statement saying that instead of worry about someone looting a TV in New Orleans, we need to be worried about the looting that is occurring at the gas stations across the country! Did you know that gas went up to $6.00 in ATL yesterday....price gouging at its best.
They are planning to bring about 400 folks here to stay in the DC Armory. I will be getting together all of my clothes that I plan to donate and find out how I can take them to the armory this weekend. I also plan to donate some toiletries. I just keep thinking about the women...I mean we have person needs to take care are they coping?
The government and big corporations need to get moving…
Get these bottled water companies down there!
Get Southwest, Delta and these other commercial airlines down there to fly these people up out of there!
Get Gerber down there to give food to the babies!
What about the Cruise ships? Get those people out of there!
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