Monday, September 26, 2005

'Suppose' to be doing?

I haven’t posted in a while. I guess I’m still recovering from CBC weekend and of course I’m sliding back into career crisis mode...:-( I really need to figure out what I am suppose to be doing! I have so many ideas, but can never get motivated to initiate any of them. I feel like I am all over the place, but moving no where. I was just telling someone that maybe I have ADHD. Are there any books out there with any motivation on how to jump start a new career? Or to at least help with figuring out what it is suppose to be? I would love to hear some stories and testimonials from people who LOVE their jobs….lol
It’s not like I hate mine, it is pretty cool…it just does not feel like what I am ‘suppose’ to be doing.

Anyway, as far as the CBC is concerned, I don't really feel like doing a recap. I did attend the Kappa reception on Friday. Check our the Angry Black Woman's blog for her is hilarious and pretty accurate.

I will just say that you have to have a special gift to locate and attract the attention of a Que at a Kappa event....aint that right Que Tip? You have the magic


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