Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Call me a pack rat...

Perhaps one of the reasons that I can't seem to focus on any of the many ideas that I have or maybe the reason that I don't feel content most of the time is due to all of this clutter around me! I am a pack rat. My house is cluttered, my desk at work is cluttered...even my purse is cluttered. I was reading up on feng shui and it mentioned that having a home and office/desk full of clutter can block the flow of ideas and make you uptight all the time. I buy books on getting organized all the time, but never get past chapter one...and then, I throw them into the never-ending pile of books in my bed.

I hate going to the mail box to retrieve all of that junk mail because it somehow ends up in some storage area or pile that I always promise to sort later….You would not believe how many ‘piles’ I have laying around.

Can you believe that I still have my prom shoes from 13 years ago?! I think this all goes back to my self-diagnosis of having adult ADHD.

Wouldn't it be crazy if the whole root of my quarter-life crisis is due to clutter?


Blogger Wicketywack said...

As long as you're not hoarding your feces in coffee cans, I'd say you're ok.

Nothing to worry about.

2:24 AM  

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