Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Was that suppose to be dessert?

Mood: Optimistic
I am listening to: Keyboard clicking around me
I am reading: “The Interruption of Everything” by Terry McMillan

This morning's train ride was pretty uneventful. Now that school is back in session, it is the evening rides that I dread. Why are those middle and high school kids so rude and disruptive on the train? They kiss, curse, fight, scream, play music, etc. They have no shame and it is so embarrassing when they act like this in front of 'pink' folks who may be still on the train. I always wonder if they would act like this if their parents happen to be on the train, but I honestly think that for most of them, it wouldn't even matter.

Anyway...I find myself laughing as I think of some recent dating drama that a friend experienced. She told me that she went out to dinner with a guy that she had recently met. He seemed cool, professional, and all that good stuff. Everything seemed to be going fine, and then right before they got up to leave, he decides to pull his 'thang' (what we used to call it way back in the day) out at the table, in the Of course, her reaction was WTF!?

Is this what we have to look forward to in our 30's?

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yes, I have been a stalker!

This was sent to me by A.R.
Based on this article, we have all been stalkers at one time or another.And yes, I will admit to stalking by

How about you?

How not to stalk him after a date
By Dave Singleton

It happens to even the best women out there: After date number one with a guy, they devolve into virtual stalkers.

OK, I’ll admit: Stalking is an overly-harsh term. There’s no fear of danger or thoughts of calling law-enforcement officials on the part of the stalkee (as there is in true cases of stalking). So let’s call this “stalking lite.” What I’m talking about is a romantic fixation that you act on to your dating detriment. Whether it’s rummaging through his work papers while he’s in the bathroom, driving past his place repeatedly — “just to check whether the lights are on” — or asking mutual friends for constant updates on him, let’s face it: It’s not pretty.

So why do we do it?
Because we can. Technology makes it easy. Because we have an insatiable curiosity combined with a need for instant gratification. Because sometimes we’re so self-absorbed, we just don’t think about what we’re doing. Because we think more contact and information will make things go better between us. But as New Yorker Kathleen Ritter, 43, learned first-hand, this behavior doesn’t make anything better. “As much as you think it will help you, it only ends up hurting you. Why sabotage yourself and look pathetic with someone new?”

So before you do something you’ll regret later, follow these tips to make sure your dating behavior comes off as acceptable interest instead of alarmingly over-eager:

Limit premature emails. There’s a big difference between a sunny follow-up email after a first date and a three-page email to the poor lug at his office the morning after. When you feel the breathless urge to write such a treatise, pouring out your heart and soul, call a friend for support or yank your DSL line out of its jack. Keep post-date emails short and simple. And keep in mind that text-messaging is, in some ways, even worse than emailing. It’s too speedy and accessible for your own good. You’ll probably wind up annoying the guy and/or revealing too much.

Be like E.T. and “phone home.” Bostonian Jenny Lynch, 27, met a great guy through friends and went on a fun dinner date. At the end of the night, they exchanged all telephone numbers—work, home and cell. It’s like telling someone, “I’ll be here, or here (or even here) if you want to find me any time.” I think we do this a little too quickly. That probably explains the chilly reception Jenny got when she called Tim at work the next day. On some level, despite being invited in, she invaded his professional world and he retreated. When in doubt — or when given a choice — use a guy’s home telephone number unless he instructs otherwise.

Don’t show up unannounced. Leave the stakeouts to the cops. Do you really think that seeing you in a desperate light in front of his home, office or social hangout will make him like you more? Would you want him if it did? You cannot make someone love you. Rigging ways to “unexpectedly” bump into someone really won’t make a light bulb go on over his head and make him realize you’re The One. He’ll probably just figure out what you’re up to and keep his distance.

Think before you Google. Your date with the great new guy is Friday. So what’s the first thing you do after telling your friends and getting a new outfit? You log on and Google him, of course. All you have to do is type his name in the search box and click. But what starts out as an incredibly easy way to find out information about your date can turn quickly into knowing too much information (TMI) too soon! Knowing too much is bad enough. Conveying the results of your search to your date over a romantic bottle of champagne can take the fizz out of your evening faster than a popping cork. Avoid the perception that you’re Nancy Drew investigating a crime scene and keep what you’ve learned to yourself.

Dave Singleton is the author of the new book, Behind Every Great Woman is a Fabulous Gay Man (Advice from a Guy Who Gives it to You Straight). A fervent advocate against “stalking lite” behaviors, he’s been known to disconnect email accounts and conduct “Avoiding Google Remorse” workshops.

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What is this all about??

My Mood: Club Bored
I am listening to: “Unbreakable” by Alicia Keys
I am reading: “The Interruption of Everything” by Terry McMillan

HELLO WORLD!! I have FINALLY jumped on the blogging craze. For those who may not be familiar with the whole blogging concept, check out:

Basically, I'm going to use my blogging space just to share random thoughts on hot topics of the day was well as issues that may be of interest to those 30-somethings out there who may be going into, coming out of or are right in the middle of the whole quarter-life crisis.

Yes, I do believe that we will all experience this sometime during our late 20's/early 30's. It's a time when you start to question your own existence...trying to figure out what you are suppose to be doing in this world. I was just telling a friend that we were 'conditioned' to think that we all should aim to climb that corporate ladder...break the glass ceiling. Well I have decided that is not the route that I want to take! The 9 - 5 is not what I want anymore.

And no, I do not know what I want...just what I don't want. What else can you expect from someone in the middle of their Quarter-Life Crisis!!!???

Anyway, I will be posting regularly and hope that you will read and POST as well. There are no rules here, but just keep in mind that my blog is open to the public.

Feel free to forward this to any Buppies (Black Urban Professionals) who may also be interested in reading and posting here.

If you have some hot topics that may be of interest to my audience, let me know and I will think about kicking off a

Check back in a few, I will be sharing some thoughts about Hurricane Katrina.


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